SFR Reader

Obtaining extended licence

According to the agreement with SFR System manufacturer, to complicate unauthorised base unit programming and competition vandalism, one willing to obtain his first short-term extended license should provide proof of SFR readout unit ownership.

To provide a valid proof, please send an image with "SFR Reader" text and SFR readout unit (sample) to the

Reading card data

With NFC turned on, just tap smartphone to the card to read data.

If this does not work, make sure the card is located near the NFC antenna zone. Some devices have it at unexpected places such as top edge.

Tapping against the same card for the second time would show message "The data are already read".

Assigning athlete's name

SFR Reader allows setting team/athlete's name to each result it reads.

One can set it manually after each reading operation, or in semiautomatic and even fully automatic way. To speed the process up one can upload list of athletes from a text (UTF-8 encoded), xlsx (just for basic and extended licenses) file, SFR Smart Terminal, or SFR Event Centre database, to choose the correct name from the list. If the athlete in the list has a card number, then SFR reader would automatically use that name for the card.

To let SFR Reader automatically assign course, add course name after the team name;

You can use Excel or any similar program (Open / Libre Office) to prepare the list and save it as XLSX or CSV-file.

Samples of a text and xlsx-file:
// Line starting with 2 slashes is 
// a comment. 
// The file format is trivial: 
// One line — one team, fields 
// are separated with a semicolon.
// Team name is requred, whilst
// other fields are not.

// These teams should be  
// chosen manually
The Furious
Just walking
Quantum snails

// These, when chosen, would use their 
// respective courses
Forrest Gump;1169 days
Usain Bolt;run 100

// For the following teams
// SFR Reader would use
// card #32 for Swamp kids, 
// and card #34 for John Doe,
// and even use their courses for the last two.

31;Chasing daylight
32;Swamp kids
33;Humpty Dumpty
34;John Doe
35;Heather Jones
36;Salmon - 1;Swim 1 week
37;Cheetah - 7;Run 20 sec

Athlete list upload

To import list of participants upload file to the smartphone (via e-mail, messenger, USB or Bluetooth) choose "Load teams..." menu item and find uploaded file.

SFR Reader would display the number of uploaded teams and proceed to the teams list or show an error message for ill-formed files.


SFR Reader supports creating, edititng of the courses of different types like regular, rogaine, other scoring type and some mixed variants. To start editing the course choose "Courses" menu item, or just swipe right.

stage settings

Each course consists of at least one stage (the only one usually). Every stage has a type (regular, rogaine, choice), a set of control points, and some other parameters like time limit, minimum number of control points, late period and late penalty (for rogaine type).

Mixed courses contain several stages of regular and choice types. It's impossible to mix stages of rogaine and other types in one course, since rogaine result is counted in points, while other types use time and number of visited control points.

The first stage may contain "Start" control point, and the last stage — "Finish" control point. In such a case "Start" and "Finish" punches would define athelete's total time. In case there would be no "Start" or "Finish" control points in the course, the first (last) punch at the athelete's card would be used as "Start" ("Finish") punch.

The punches "Start" and "Finish" are not accounted, when validating, whether the athlete visited required number of control points (i.e. athlete with "Start", 31 and "Finish" punches is considered to visit 1 control point, not 3.) The athletes, who visit less control points than stage's minimum (if any), get DSQ result, with a comment "Too few control points".

Courses upload

SFR Reader supports course upload from OCAD text files. As those files do not contain course type information, all courses are uploaded as regular ones. The course type can be adjusted manually.

SFR Reader does NOT support multivariant courses, used in relays like 31 - (32 or 33 or 34) - 35.

Assigning course

Having any courses added, SFR Reader would try to assign a course to a result, when the athlete's card is read.

If SFR Reader succeeds to assign a team to the result, a team has a course name assigned, and there is a course with such a name in SFR Reader, this course would be used. Otherwise SFR Reader would suggest the shortest course among those, at which the athlete has visited maximal number of control points.

You can always change assigned course manually.

Result validation

If there is a course defined, SFR Reader validates each result, and uses it to show and sort results in a proper way.

Result is considered valid, if all stages of the course are passed. The stage is considered passed, if all required CPs are visited (for regular stages — visited in the correct sequence) and stage time limit is not exceeded (exceeded for no more than grace time for rogain stages).

Possible results are OK (all the stages are passed, no time limits exceeded) and different variants of DSQ:

For every athlete's card read SFR Reader provides general results: total time, and number of visited CPs (points earned), and details: lists of missed CPs, false CPs visited, duplicate CPs for rogain or other scoring type courses.

If the course is changed somehow: CP is added or removed, time limits or even course type is changed, then SFR Reader would revalidate all stored results.

Base unit programming

Base units are programmed in 3 steps using a master-card.
  1. Choose what to program
  2. Tap the phone to the card
  3. Tap the base unit to the card
Average programming time is less than 1 second.

Hardware requirements

SFR Reader works on smartphones and tablets running OS Android ver. 4.2 and higher with NFC technology support. On devices without NFC SFR Reader's abilities are limited to showing main screens.

Known issues

Some smartphones are known to have very slow NFC data transfer (1-2 seconds per 1 punch, instead of regular 30-100 msec).

The problem models are:

Got questions?

E-mail, @sfr_reader