SFR Reader

Use your NFC-enabled Android smartphone to read, and prepare SFR punching system athlete's cards or to program SFR base units.

Using SFR Reader You can get rid of SFR Readout units, extra wires, and even notebooks!



Licenses and pricing

There are several SFR Reader licenses with different features available. As SFR Reader uses Google Play account email to identify license owner, You will need just one license for all your devices!

The expired license limits features as a trial one does.

Trial Basic Extended
Clear athlete's card, assign ahtlete's number to the card+ + +
Read result, assign athlete's name to the result+ + +
Validate result1 course up to 5 CPs 1 course +
Sort results by time, number of visited control points, rogain points, etc.+ + +
Import teams listexcept XLSX + +
Export results to HTML or CSV (Excel)first 10 records + +
Export athlete's split times  + +
Log card number assignment  + +
Program base units    +
 Free 7 EUR / month
23 EUR / year
10 EUR / month 1
60 EUR / year

Obtain license!

1. You would need to provide proof of SFR readout unit ownership (photo), to obtain your first short-term extended license.

Download SFR Reader!

Missing feature?

New features can be added on request.
Terms and price are subject to discuss.

Possible ideas: printing via thermal printer, integrations with other systems, some other.

Got questions?

E-mail, @sfr_reader